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Find the Magic in the Holiday Season

Find the Magic in the Holiday Season

Find the Magic in Your Holiday Experiences as a Nurse.

Isn’t this supposed to be the most magical time of year? “Be of good cheer” should be our motto yet as a nurse, feelings of overwhelm can take precedence over our cheery disposition.

Holidays can be difficult especially in the health care world. We are all aware there are several reasons why. Separation from family, financial stress, lack of time for holiday prep and difficulty dealing with schedules and family needs.

Here at SOS Healthcare staffing services, we have a few tips so that you can survive the holiday season enjoying the experience. Our staff is here to support you in all aspects of your career providing choices and opportunities.

  • Flexibility is critical during the holidays. Some of our nurses choose travel positions to be closer to their families and will shift celebrations to accommodate their schedules so everyone can be together. Plan ahead when possible so expectations are met for you and your family eliminating stress.
  • Sensitivity to those we care for. Our patients would not choose to be in a hospital situation away from their families or experience the financial stress with the high costs of medical treatments. You as a caregiver being sensitive, showing compassion to their feelings is appreciated by the patient and their families. Remember you make a difference in their life every time you walk in the room.
  • Create and share holiday traditions with your staff and patients at work. Be the secret Santa for others.
  • Organize a festive meal at work enjoying foods of the season. Decorate your unit and bring your Elf on the Self to delight the individuals you work with.
  • Make plans for the extra monies you will receive with your holiday pay. Buy that expensive item you have put on hold or trip you have delayed due to costs. Expand your budget and dreams.
  • Remember self-care. Be the example for others by taking care of you, not over-extending your commitments and expectations during the season. Catch your breath, prioritize, and focus on your personal values. The old saying of putting your oxygen mask on first still holds true today.

The holidays are upon us now. Your career needs are our first priority whether it be a per-diem, a contract position, travel opportunities, a temporary to permanent situation or a home health position we are here to find the perfect position for you and your life-style.