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True independence in the healthcare environment involves several dimensions that contribute to a healthcare professional's autonomy and job satisfaction. One key aspect is flexible schedules, allowing professionals to choose or influence their work hours and shifts, including part-time work, job sharing, and tele-health opportunities. This flexibility helps accommodate personal and family needs, enhancing overall job satisfaction. Career options play a significant role in true independence. Access to various career paths and opportunities for advancement within the healthcare field is crucial. Continuous education, professional development, and the ability to switch specialties or roles without significant barriers provide healthcare professionals with the freedom

What if you could create and design your daily life to have extra time for personal growth, self-care, family time, and building your career? Does this sound impossible? Here are a few thoughts to share when you are strategically planning your career in the medical field. What a staffing service can provide and why you should consider exploring this opportunity. One of the greatest challenges people in our industry face is self-care. The focus when we step through the doors of the facility or hospital when we begin our shift is patient care. Providing the best quality of service possible. When we end

At SOS Healthcare Staffing, we recognize the importance of balancing professional growth with personal well-being and family time, especially during the summer months. Our commitment to you includes: Flexible Schedules: We understand that summer is a time for family vacations, outdoor activities, and self-care. That’s why we’re offering flexible scheduling options to help you make the most of this season. Family Values: We honor and support your family commitments. Whether it's attending a family event or spending quality time with loved ones, we encourage you to prioritize what matters most. Career Development: While enjoying the summer, we remain dedicated to

Spring Cleaning for Work, Diet, Home, and Habits  It’s time to dust off the cobwebs, throw open the curtains and work on some of that stress that life sometimes creates.  Spring cleaning should not be confined to grand accomplishments in your physical spaces. Health benefits abound from making small, lasting changes in ALL areas of your life.   Work Clutter A pile of papers here, a used coffee mug there - clutter distracts, creates stress, lowers your productivity, and can even cause injuries. Ever go digging for an important sticky note while on the phone? Trip over that thing you keep saying you’re going

Creating lasting memories for Memorial Day can be a meaningful and enjoyable experience.  Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of the upcoming holiday. Honor and Remember Visit a Cemetery or Memorial – Pay your respects to fallen soldiers by visiting a local cemetery or war memorial.  Many communities have events or ceremonies to honor veterans. Create a Tribute – Make a scrapbook or photo album dedicated to family members or friends who have served in the military.  You can include stories, pictures and mementos that continue the legacy of your connections. Family Activities Family Picnic – Organize a picnic at

Choosing a career path in the medical field can be both exciting and daunting. Here are some helpful tips to consider: **Self-Assessment**: Take time to assess your interests, strengths, and values. Consider what aspects of healthcare you are passionate about and what type of work environment you thrive in. **Research**: Explore the various career options within the medical field. Research different specialties, roles, and educational requirements. Look into job outlooks, salary ranges, and potential advancement opportunities. **Gain Experience**: Seek out opportunities to gain firsthand experience in the medical field. This could include volunteering at hospitals or clinics, shadowing healthcare professionals, or participating in

As the flowers begin to bloom alerting us to spring, in the medical field, the concept of "spring renewal" can encompass several aspects. **Research and Development**: Spring often signifies new beginnings, and in the medical field, this can translate to renewed efforts in research and development. Pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and universities may be initiating new projects, clinical trials, or collaborations aimed at advancing medical knowledge and finding innovative treatments for various diseases. **Healthcare Initiatives**: Spring can also bring about renewed efforts in healthcare initiatives, such as public health campaigns, vaccination drives, or community outreach programs. As the weather warms up, there

February is heart health awareness month. Information is provided with the focus of assisting the public to understand and be aware of how to take better care of their heart health. A few basic tips from the experts: Eat more veggies Weight management Exercise Maintain lower blood pressure Regular check-ups with your doctor, etc…. In the medical profession we educate our patients about heart health and share the consequences of ignoring symptoms. Let us further investigate the emotional side of heart health. Are we listening to the beat of our own heart? So often we find ourselves in situations that are not best for our heart health physically

Scheduling changes with the fall season can be a bit challenging as the days get shorter and the weather may fluctuate. However, there are several tips you can follow to make the transition smoother and more productive: 1.  Adjust your sleep schedule As daylight decreases, consider adjusting your sleep schedule to align with the natural daylight hours. Try to wake up and go to bed earlier to make the most of the available daylight. 2.  Plan around daylight. Take advantage of the daylight hours for outdoor activities and exercise. Plan your day to maximize outdoor time during the daylight to boost your mood and energy levels. 3.  Use Artificial

Announcing February's Winner of the Monarch Award We are committed to acknowledging our staff and medical team members that make a difference serving facilities and hospitals with excellent patient care by offering the Monarch Award. Once a month we will hold a drawing to select a monthly winner for a $50.00 Gift Certificate. Names can be submitted to SOS Healthcare Staffing to be entered in the drawing throughout the month. Earn Performance Points Every Month You can earn points for perfect performance for the following: Attendance Being on time for every shift Covering an extra shift Providing the best patient experience Receiving kudos