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Announcing the Monarch Award We are committed to acknowledging our staff and medical team members that make a difference serving facilities and hospitals with excellent patient care by offering the Monarch Award. Once a month we will hold a drawing to select a monthly winner for a $50.00 Gift Certificate. Names can be submitted to SOS Healthcare Staffing to be entered in the drawing through out the month. Earn Performance Points Every Month You can earn points for perfect performance for the following: Attendance Being on time for every shift Covering an extra shift Providing the best patient experience Receiving kudos while on your assignment

When it comes to working on self-care, all of us have different blind spots. These are basically aspects of our ourselves that aren’t fully aware of. It could be personality traits, feelings, or actions. These blind spots can really hamper our self-care efforts. That is why it is so important to become fully aware of them. Here, we’ll look at some of the most common blind spots you may discover when working on self-care. You avoid conflict A lot of people hate conflict, but sometimes it is needed to resolve situations. If you tend to avoid conflict, it means you’ll often do or

Our congratulations and heartfelt wishes to all of the Certified Nurses Assistants who have helped all of us survive the last 2 years. This year, CNA Week 2022 is from June 16 to June 22. With the theme of “I’m Still Standing,” we encourage everyone to celebrate, recognize, and pay their respects to the incredible work that the nearly 1 million-strong contingent of frontline heroes does everyday for elders and people with disabilities. The last two years mark an powerful moment in history for CNAs, who have had an incredibly positive impact on older adults and those who work in and manage

Happy International Nurses Day! Here at SOS Healthcare staffing we celebrate May 12th for all our hard-working nurses and staff. The efforts the team has displayed these past few years has exceeded all expectations and provided extraordinary care during our recent pandemic. Nursing has not always been a respected profession. The woman who changed the world as we know it for nursing was Florence Nightingale. She grew up in the 1800’s in a time where the most respected career was getting married and raising a family. Many young women were not formally educated. Florence was educated at home and had a zest for learning. It is recorded that Florence

Certifications provide proof that you know what you are doing. Sounds simple, yet this external validation that you have the skills needed to succeed can provide many opportunities for career growth and increased wages. If you are a student just starting out or a medical professional transferring from another industry a certification can make the difference. There are several reasons why nursing certification matters. Achieving certifications demonstrates your seriousness in providing quality patient care. While going through the process of earning your certification you are exposed to the latest trends in the medical field. Expanding your specialized knowledge base also increases your confidence while providing patient

As 2022 starts off with another round of at or near capacity hospitals and clinics - we just want to say THANK YOU! Your dedication to your patients throughout the past 2 years of this pandemic has been an inspiration! Well, the new year of 2022 has arrived, and we say goodbye to 2021.  At this is the time of year when inner soul searching takes place, the following questions may be crossing your mind: Am I in the right career position? The right work environment? Are there travel opportunities I may be missing? Am I addressing my own self-care? Is there

Find the Magic in Your Holiday Experiences as a Nurse. Isn’t this supposed to be the most magical time of year? “Be of good cheer” should be our motto yet as a nurse, feelings of overwhelm can take precedence over our cheery disposition. Holidays can be difficult especially in the health care world. We are all aware there are several reasons why. Separation from family, financial stress, lack of time for holiday prep and difficulty dealing with schedules and family needs. Here at SOS Healthcare staffing services, we have a few tips so that you can survive the holiday season enjoying the experience.

Have you adjusted to a new technology? As we have all experienced many transitions and changes since the shut down in March of 2020 with COVID19 we are now exposed to new technology and ways to treat our patients.   Technology is assisting nurses to have their time freed up to be more efficient and informed while providing excellent patient care. From handheld mobile units and wearables to software-enabled command centers, these devices and apps offer nurses critical insights that are easy to access for the entire staff. All-in-one mobile devices have streamlined patient care to save time. The miracle of a small portable device

Brain Training for Healthcare workers – 3 techniques to help your memory  What was the name of the movie you watched over the weekend?   Where did you put your keys?   Did you complete the chart for the patient you were with an hour ago? It’s frustrating and time consuming if you must double-check yourself throughout the day. Trouble with total recall can come from many physical and mental conditions not related to aging, like dehydration, infections, and stress.  We’ve all had some extra stress over the last 18 months dealing with the Pandemic. There are many ways to maintain general brain health and most