Tax Tips for Healthcare Workers
As a healthcare worker, you're constantly on the go. Long hours at work and a stressful job mean that taxes are likely the last thing on your mind. But knowing what deductions you can and cannot take, as well as
The Importance of Maintaining Good Relationships at Work
February is the month of Love! Valentines day brings a focus on romantic relationships, but many workers spend more time with co-workers than with their spouse and family – and that’s especially true in healthcare, where hours can be long
Look Back and Look Forward with Purpose
Shifts in the New Year (2018 Reflections & 2019 Resolutions) As we near the year’s end, it’s a time for reflection. Maybe your year was amazing; maybe it was something you’d rather forget. But as you think back on 2018, it’s
Heartfelt Thanks!
We are so Thankful to work in the healthcare industry! We are surrounded by people who deeply respect their profession and bring care and compassion to their patients! Thank you for all that you do! We are Grateful to support you! Happy Thanksgiving to you
Celebrating National Family Caregivers Month
Honoring National Family Caregivers Month November is National Family Caregivers Month. Every year, this time is used to recognize and honor the family and friends who dedicate themselves to caring for a loved one. According to the Caregivers Action Network, “Caregivers
Travel Nursing Over the Holidays
The holiday season is quickly approaching. As a travel nurse, that means that any job you accept now will likely carry you through December and into the new year. As a result, you need to start considering the holidays earlier
Reflections on Labor Day!
Reflections on Labor Day As we move towards Labor Day and summer comes to an end, it is important to remember the roots of this meaningful date. What many Americans regard as a just another holiday actually emerged from the
What License Does It Take to Be a Travel Nurse?
A career as a travel nurse can be exciting and fun. With short assignments and the ability to travel all around the country, you can gain valuable work experience while also checking items off your bucket list. It’s not all
Healthy Foods that Pack Easily
Summertime is the perfect time for eating outdoors. And with July being National Picnic Month, it’s the ideal time to think about your next al fresco feast. When planning a picnic, many people rely on old-school, unhealthy comfort foods. While greasy
Make the Most of Your Summer Getaway!
Summer Travel Tips Whether you’re heading to the beach or one of our nation's stunning national parks, summer vacations are a welcome escape. Having a game plan for your trip can help ensure that your journey is full of fun